Announcing Results
Participatory budgets phases
- Riverwoods 'Investment Readiness' Pioneers
- Submitting a Proposal
- Checking Proposals against Criteria
- Public Selection Process
- Reviewing voting
- Current phase Announcing Results
Riverwoods 'Investment Readiness' Pioneers
The Riverwoods ‘Investment Readiness’ Pioneers is an opportunity for local people to develop proposals to restore river woodlands in Scotland.
The aim is to create a Scotland-wide initiative to create a network of thriving riverbank woodlands and healthy river systems across Scotland.
We are keen that the general public and communities are closely involved, bringing local knowledge and ideas to new (and existing) partnerships with land managers, businesses and policy makers. We’ve been working to help communities and partners to develop proposals that have the potential to attract further funding.
Find out more about Riverwoods 'Investment Readiness' Pioneers
Submitting a Proposal
1 - Fill in the Application Form
Use the Guide to Submitting a Proposal to help you complete the PDF Application Form.
2 - Create a proposal in CONSUL
Upload your application. If selected at this stage you will have access to a bursary of up to £5000 to develop your proposal into a business plan.
3 - Required Fields
Add the title or your project and use the "Description" box to copy and paste your "Project in a Nutshell".
4 - Optional Fields
Please attach your PDF Application as a document, outlining how your proposal meets the Riverwoods 'Investment Readiness' Pioneers criteria.
5 - Map Location
Mark where you intend to deliver your project.
6 - Create Investment
Once your proposal has been submitted, you will still be able to log in and continue to edit.
Click here for the Guide to Submit a Proposal and Application Page.jpg)
Checking Proposals against Criteria
Our expert panel will review all applications to ensure projects meet all relevant criteria:
- Technical feasibility
- Commercial potential
- Engagement with community
- Partnership potential
- Public and environmental benefit
- Right intervention in the right place
- Additionality to statutory responsibilities
For more details on these criteria please visit the Guide to submitting proposals on the Riverwoods website
Public Selection Process
Communities across Scotland can comment on, and vote for, proposals for Riverwoods projects!
Groups who have submitted proposals can engage with communities through comments.
An indication of the overall strength of each applications against the criteria has now been provided by the Award Panel for Voters to consider. Voters can vote or amend their existing votes in light of this information right up to the newly extended December 4th midnight deadline. That is, you can still vote on Sunday 4th but voting will be closed from Monday 5th December.
View the Panel's initial evaluation scores
View more about the Award Panel and selection process here Selection Process
Look through all the proposals and vote now!Reviewing voting
Announcing Results
The Panel has met and reviewed the results of the public votes alongside its inital evaluation and selected the following projects.
Each of the following projects will be offered £4000 each out of our total pool of £20000 to further develop their Riverwoods Pioneers proposals:
Annan Riparian Restoration Network
Upper Tay Catchment Communities
Glenfalloch Nature Restoration
Don’t let Balloch Castle Country Part Sink
The River Ericht Catchment Regeneration Initiative
The chart on the right (sorry for the size of the text) indicates how the votes informed the final selection.
- Votes from the general public were used to position the projects on the y scale
- The Award Panel's initial evaluation was be used to fit projects on x scale.
- Final selection by the panel was based on a discussion balancing the votes with the panel's evaluations.
Riverwoods 'Investment Readiness' Pioneers
Budget investments' proposals located geographically
Finished participatory budgets
Riverwoods Pioneers
Help with participatory budgets
With the participatory budgets the citizens decide to which projects is destined a part of the budget.